Netherlands Gun license
€150.00 – €350.00
Netherlands Gun license
Get an original Netherlands Gun license online.In the Netherlands, gun ownership is restricted to hunters, collectors and target shooters. A hunting license requires passing a hunters safety course and an exam. To own a gun for target shooting, the applicant must have been a member of a shooting club for a year. People with felonies, drug addictions, and mental illnesses may not possess firearms.To be a collector one has to limit oneself to a specific area of expertise and demonstrate a serious and thorough knowledge of that area, for instance through publications or lectures.
Once obtained, firearms must be stored in a safe and are annually inspected by police (every 3 years when over 25). Legally owned firearms may only be used in self-defense as a last resort.Fully automatic firearms are only allowed on a special permit (usually issued to collectors), but there are otherwise few restrictions: semi-automatics, handguns, and magazines of all sizesare legal, as are all types of non-armourpiercing, non-incendiary or non-explosive ammunition. Silencers require special permission. A licensed target shooter may only have five firearms registered to his or her license at one time (hunters seven, collectors unlimited) but exceptions are possible. Antique firearms (not replicas or center fire cartridge revolvers) are free to own when originally designed and produced for black powder and not at any time officially proofed and stamped for nitro powder
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